Recently I read Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. It was impactful from the beginning and is a book that I will pick up again because it offers growth and inspiration. Reading and reflecting on this book via a book club every week made it all the more meaningful. I highly recommend it! Julia Cameron prods her readers to journal every morning and while I haven’t fully given in to that, I am writing more often and uncovering some personal layers as well as gaining understanding. During our final book club meeting, our group discussed alternative titles for the book. It seems that everyone could benefit from reading, pondering and putting into action some of Julia Cameron’s suggestions. Are there dreams or passions that you have dipped your toes into or did you dive right in? Did these interests lead to an enjoyable hobby or a career? I’m curious. For me years of outdoor walks, teaching my students and artmaking have taught me perseverance and brought me joy. It is also beneficial to take the time to consider my “why” as an artist. I am able to look back at where I started, take action during the present and contemplate my future goals.
While enjoying coffee with a friend and fellow artist, she asked me about my art journey. I explained that one of my goals is to be a local artist. This has nothing to do with being famous locally. As an introvert, I am uncomfortable being the center of attention in any scenario. Instead, this is about sharing joy and authentically connecting with people. When an artist, athlete or inventor shares their journeys, losses, wins and discoveries we are not only inspired but we are connected. Thank you for taking the time to see and collect my art. I hope it brightens your day.
13 x13, Watercolor on paper, 2023